Thursday, February 28, 2008

New Teeth = New Hurt

We officially have two teeth in the once toothless grin. It is so funny to see those little white things popping up. Well, funny for me, not so funny for Benton. He we wasn't too thrilled to have those razor sharp teeth coming through his gums. Okay, the real problem is how do I keep him from biting me? I still really want to continue nursing, but it really hurts when he clamps down!! I will take any and all suggestions!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Benton's latest

Some days are so exhausting, but when I see cute pictures of Benton I remember how much I love being a mom. I was talking to a woman in my ward who has 3 young children, we were talking about how you feel like you start to loose your identity in the world when you become a stay at home mom. How, before our babies, we were pursuing careers and actually felt "smart." I have tried yo "stay in touch" by pursuing new hobbies and interests. I have started cooking a lot more, reading, exercising more regularly and of course trying to keep up my blog. Does any other moms out there have any suggestions on keeping sane while staying at home?

Friday, February 8, 2008

Reasons to LOVE February

Here are a few of my favorite reasons to LOVE February:

Ground Hog's Day: looks like 6 more weeks of winter :( (
Did you know the ground hog has a name, Phil.

Valentine's Day: A fun day to do extra nice things for those you love. One year Christian surprised me with dinner and dancing. If you know Christian you know he does not dance, nor pretend to even dance. So, it was a fun surprise. He also gave me a gift card to get my hair cut, which was another surprise because Christian LOVES long hair! If anyone has any fun ideas send them my way!!

Presidents day: A day off work/school and a chance to get away. This year we are headed to Newport Beach!!

Christian's Birthday: another chance to have a party, we love parties!

Leap Year: One extra day for the year, it should definitely be spent doing something fun.

The end of February, spring is getting nearer.

Why do you LOVE February?

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