Sunday, March 28, 2010

Simply Tragic

I awoke this morning to the sort of news you never want to hear. My dear sweet nephew Wyatt has passed away. I know life is so fragile but when an accident like this happens it truly makes you put your thoughts in persepective and desire to love those you do have. My heart is aching for my sister Danielle and Beau.
As we were driving home I noticed how green and alive our world is becoming. My thoughts were turned to Easter and my Savior and the joy that came after three days. The resurection gives us hope and comfort especially during these times. I am thankful for the plan of happiness and the love our Savior has for each of us.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Thanks Grant

I was in California a couple of weeks ago and was able to see one of my favorite friends and her family. I was outside talking to Laura asking about potty training and while I was doing that Grant (who is 4) was inside showing Benton the ropes. I come in and see Benton trying to use the potty by him self. I guess that was the trick because he is now potty trained. It has taken us a few weeks but I think he is finally getting it. So thanks Grant for teaching my little boy how to be big! We wish we lived closer!


Kate and I are still in a debate. Just when I think I have convinced her to use the binki I see her doing this

Oh well I guess you can't win every battle, but I will keep trying!

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