Monday, November 22, 2010

Disney on Ice

We went to Disney on Ice last weekend and had a great time, but my favorite picture was of this little girl.  She came dressed up in her Minnie outfit and actually really liked the first 30 mins of the show, then she got tired and fell asleep.  Benton loved it, but was a little disappointed due to his misunderstanding thinking it was "DisneyLAND" on ice.  He kept asking where the rides were.  

3 Falls



I guess I feel like I need to document our time in the leaves since we have spent 15+ hours each year cleaning them up!  

*Kate doesn't enjoy them nearly as much as Benton does...they actually really bug her, funny girl.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween Fun

 We have been to the corn mazes
 Did the pumpkin carving

 Got dressed up
 Looked cute, and went trick or treating

But I think one of our favorite moments was when our good friends showed up at the door with a plate of cookies, dressed like this.  (Benton of course had to join in the fun and dress up too) I haven't laughed that hard when I saw what Aaron was wearing, go Nacho Libre! 

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