Tuesday, November 18, 2008

It's Nights Like These...

When Benton wakes up at 12:30AM with a fever and needs some extra love from his mom that I think how grateful I am for:
A mom that cared for me when I was sick AND left me that same rocker she used to rock all 7 of her babies
I am grateful for a mother-in-law that cared enough about my comfort to make a cushion to go on that rocker that I now get to rock her grandchildren in.

Notice how he is the one sock wonder, always is.

Gotta love the morning look.


Natalie said...

love the fan in the background...he's my kind of boy!!!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear Benton is sick :(
Cute pictures of Benton wearing his "just woke up" smile.

My OCD is flaring up--I want to reach through the puter screen and tie that cushion back on :)

Love you guys--take care of yourselves and let me know if you need chicken soup!


Schimmy said...

Suzanne he is so darn cute! I can't believe how much he is growing up.

Laura said...

How nice that you have that chair. Many more memories to come in that chair.

Anonymous said...

how come you only blog once a month? you need to blog more because i like to read it. Merry Christmas.


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