Friday, November 18, 2011


Benton always wants to share his testimony at church, but he wants us to help him. So for FHE we had him put a bag together of all the things he believed in: book of mormon, jesus... and then we all bore our testimonies. Benton's testimony went like this: "I want to bear my testimony. I have this sister and she does not know how to share. It is really frustrating and we try and teach her to share, in the name of Jesus Christ Amen." When we said a testimony is something we believe in, he said "yeah I do believe Kate can't share."

We were driving in the car and Christian and I were talking about something coming up and he said "Oh that stinks we have to..." and Benton in the back said "Oh no that was me, I have been tooting back here."

At playgroup a few of the kids chased Kate and it scared her. Benton sat down on the floor and held her saying "its okay little sister I am here." Then he stood her up and took her by the hand and made all of the friends say sorry to her and give her a hug.

For some reason Benton was waking up in the middle of the night, just to be awake. I woke up at 4am to find all of the lights in the house on and him watching Netflix with a box of cereal. We went out the next day and bought a clock and showed him what time he could come out. The next morning I asked him how it went and he said "Well I woke up and it wasn't quite 7, so I just watched a few movies until it was 7." I told him that isn't how it works and he said "yeah mom I tried that and it just doesn't work for me."

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