Sunday, October 26, 2008

"Have You Seen Benton?"

I realize this might make me seem like a neglectful mother, but for those of you that know Benton know how fast he really is! At church today Benton did great during Relief Society. He played on my lap and on the floor, never attempting an escape, like he normally does. Little did I know he was plotting a bigger escape. As soon as Relief Society ended the doors opened and people started ushering out, so Benton followed them. I saw him leave so I quickly gathered all of his belongings and headed out to catch him. I got to the doorway but couldn't see which way he went. I chose to go down the hall he normally chooses, nope not there. Ok, so he must have gone down the other hall, nope not there. Great, it is getting really busy with everyone trying to get to their classes and I still can't see him. Back to the other hall, probably Christian has him I thought, nope not there again. This time I started asking people "have you seen Benton" nope, nope, and nope. Ok quick thinking now. I thought maybe he had somehow gotten outside or maybe somebody took him. I was really panicking by this point. So with a crew of about a dozen we scavenged the church and its grounds.

Thankfully one of the serivce missionaries in our ward checked the chapel where the primary children were practicing for their program. There he was not worried at all, but rather enjoying his time with all the other primary children on the stage with them. I walked in just in time to see his little face poking over the podium (thanks to the stairs they had set up for the program). I picked him up and he just patted my back like he was telling me "I am fine Mom, just seeing what was happening in here."

I had so much adreline rushing that I just about burst into tears when I finally had him back. He was probably only gone ten minutes but that was the longest ten minutes of my life. We are currently thinking of buying him a leash, any other suggestions??

Friday, October 24, 2008

Quick Get Away

Before our fun ride:

And after...

I guess he liked the ride because we came outside and found him climbing back on.

Thanks Kenna, Aaron, and Parker for a fun weekend!

Sunday, October 19, 2008


Well for all of you that guessed that it's Benton, you got it correct. We can't believe how big he is getting. He is like a little-man. In fact, he is already growing a mustache (of the milk variety).

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Who Am I?

Can you guess who I am?

I love to eat cold cereal in the morning (I can even sign cereal)
I love to read!
I can go down the slide head first.
I LOVE dogs.
I can lead the music in church.
Signing Time is my favorite movie of all time.
I like cucumbers with a little bit of salad dressing on them.
I hate to wear shoes.
I usually sleep in until 8:30am.
I like to do somersaults.
I enjoy playing with my friends.
I like to work on the computer.
I like to climb everything, including kitchen chairs and kitchen tables.
I can scream really loud and do it quite often for fun.
and I am a lot of fun to be around!

Who am I: Suzanne, Christian, Benton, or Aunt Danielle?

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