Thursday, September 23, 2010

Bad day for the Andersen Boys

Both boys in my life had a bad day on their bikes the other day.  Benton walked his bike across the street on his way to preschool and the tire hit the curb at a pretty quick rate.  The tire of course bounced back and hit him in the nose.  Oh the pain, and the blood!  The blood dripped all down him and on to someone's lawn.  We had to do a quick change for school, but he made it. 
Christian on the other hand wasn't so lucky.  His 2nd crash of the day (his first was a minor skid out) sent him flying over some girl that had cut him off on her bike.  After laying on the ground in pain for a few moments he decided he didn't need to call me to pick him up and rode his bike all the way home from school.  By the time he got home his arm was in a lot of pain.  Still thinking it wasn't too bad I left him with both kids and went to Young Womens, only to get a phone call a few minutes later.  Kate had fallen on his already hurt arm and now he couldn't move it at all.  So, poor Christian now has a broken arm, and one sore body.  He is off the bike for at least 6 weeks...just in time for winter. 
Benton was so cute to Christian.  When Christian got home Benton kept asking him what was wrong and then wanted to tell him about his accident.  Hopefully they have better luck on their bikes!

1 comment:

Kenna said...

What a bad day!
Those darn bikes.


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