Saturday, April 26, 2008

Unwanted Visitors

(Disclaimer: This is in no way, shape, or form an actual picture of what took place.)
Yes, I am writing this on a Saturday night, what else do you do when you have a sleeping baby and a husband in finals!
I had to write about our little unwanted visitor this morning. I put a bagel in toaster and was trying to pack my bag and hurry off to work, then all of a sudden I smell a burning scent and hear the smoke alarm. Good morning to the rest of family. So, we open all the doors and start fanning away. The alarm turns off and I continue getting ready when I hear my dad yell "there's a bird." And sure enough a bird flew through the front door and kept flying into the window trying to escape, banging his head as he tried to escape. Poor little bird, think of the brain damage he now has. Luckily Christian has a secret skill of being the "bird whisper" and scooped him up and ever so gently carried him outside. The event was over and we were only left with about a dozen of feathers spread over the kitchen.
This little visitor reminded me of when we had another unwanted guest in our house. My mom went into the laundry room one night and saw what she thought was our black dog, nope it was a SKUNK! Talk about not wanting him our house or his stench!! Christian wasn't around in those days so we had to call our neighbor who works with animal control. We created a barricade and watched him wander around our house until he finally walked out the front door.
We were extremely glad to see him go.
Anyone else have any good stories??

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Apartment Managers

So, with Christian in school for the long haul we thought it would be a good way to save some money by being apartment managers. We think we have found a complex that will work, the only problem is it is only a one bedroom apartment. There will be possibilities for us to move within the year to a two bedroom. Does anyone have any good advice with managing apartments??

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Return of a Favorite

This last season Christian and I got hooked on The Office. We are anxiously anticipating the return of new episodes, beginning tonight!! We must be lacking in our social life because we often quote clips from The Office, some of our favorites being: "I declare bankrupcy," Question, which bear is best..." "The doctor's have done all they could and it looks like Meridith is going to make it." Hope everyone else can enjoy the return of this series as much as us!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

We are a little slow in showing our Easter outfits, but I wanted to show Benton's. I think it is darling, but Christian thinks I am a horrible mom for forcing our baby boy to wear such an outfit. Well, maybe not that bad, but he really doesn't like it. Just wondered what everyone else thought. It won't hurt my feelings, honest.

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